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06121 Via C. Balbo, 7 - Perugia

+39 075 31556

Who we are

Sereco Biotest was established in 1976, from the merger of the structures and professional skills of BIOTEST, founded in 1969 as a chemical and chemical-biological analysis laboratory and SERECO, a technical design study operating in the field of sanitary engineering and environmental consultancy. In a few years this team, characterized by a synergistic integration of multifaceted skills in different sectors, has toed the line as a R&D structure dealing with environmental technologies, strategies for eco-efficient innovation (industrial ecology), circular economy and environmental sustainability in different value chains. Project experiences at a national and international level, together with collaborations with prestigious research centres, have led this structure to assume the dynamic role of a “high tech shuttle structure”, capable of bridging the basic research carried out in academic contexts into relevant industrial and productive environments. The activity is conducted by a multidisciplinary team made up of professionals from various backgrounds including chemists, agronomists, biologists, engineers, naturalists with skills gained over years of high-level experience.

In addition to the sector of advanced research applied at an industrial level, Sereco-Biotest provides consultancy to companies and public bodies for a wide range of services revolving around the trinomial “Quality-Environment-Safety” from analytics to treatments, from air sampling in working environments to legal compliance.